my top 3 assertive responses

Hey Reader,

Here’s 3 phrases that can instantly make your responses more assertive:

1: Switch “I can’t” with “I don’t.”

“Can’t” is much more temporary, like it’s subject to change. “Don’t” is much more permanent, like the decision has already been made for you. Like, “I don’t respond to emails after 5 PM.” Or, “I don’t drink.”

It sets clear, non-negotiable boundaries.

2: “When I’m ready.”

Take control of your time and actions. If someone is pressuring you, firmly say, “I’ll do it when I’m ready.”

Like, “I will respond when I’m ready.” Or, “I will get to that when I’m ready.” It’s a polite yet assertive way of saying you won’t be rushed.

3: “I prefer.”

Express your preferences clearly. “I prefer you didn’t speak to me that way” or “I prefer that we talk about this another time” lets others know your boundaries in a respectful manner.

Remember, being assertive doesn’t mean being aggressive.

It’s about stating your needs and boundaries clearly and respectfully.

- J.

P.S. What communication topic should I cover next? Hit “reply” and let me know!

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156 S. Main Street Ste 300 #769, Lumberton, TX 77657

Jefferson Fisher

Simple, practical communication advice for your next conversation.

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